छात्र विनिमय मेला 2025

स्टूडेंट एक्सचेंज फेयर हैम्बर्ग 2025
From March 01, 2025 until March 01, 2025
हैम्बर्ग - सांक्ट-अंसगर-शूले, हैम्बर्ग, जर्मनी
(कृपया भाग लेने से पहले नीचे दी गई आधिकारिक साइट पर तिथियों और स्थान की दोबारा जांच करें।)

शुलेरौस्टौश और गैप वर्ष - कोरोना-ज़ीटेन में ऑसलैंड्सजहर के बारे में सभी जानकारी: वेल्ट में औफ - शूलेरौस्टौश संगठन और वर्गीच में स्टाइपेंडियन

AUF IN DIE WELT: The Fair for Student Exchange and Gap Year Opportunities.

AUF IN DIE WELT Messe - Die Schüleraustausch-Messe - am 27.08.2022 in Hamburg. AUF IN DIE WELT Messe - Die Schüleraustausch-Messe - am 27.08.2022 in Hamburg. AUF IN DIE WELT-Messe für den Norden. Exklusiv für die Besucher der Messe: Die Informationsbroschüre AUF IN DIE WELT. Das E-Book ist ein kompakter Leitfaden, der dir Orientierung und praktische Tipps zum Vorgehen gibt. AUF IN DIE WELT: Die Messe für Schüleraustausch und Gap Year.

Advice for the future: Embrace the opportunity to expand your horizons through international experiences. Participating in exchange programs or spending a gap year abroad can immensely contribute to personal growth and future career prospects. These experiences not only enhance your educational qualifications but also offer a chance to develop a global perspective and intercultural understanding, which are invaluable in today’s interconnected world.

The AUF IN DIE WELT fair provides comprehensive, independent information for students and graduates who are considering a stay abroad. Held in Hamburg, the fair features leading exchange organizations and language travel companies, focusing on both high school and post-school opportunities, including exchanges and gap years. Attendees can expect insightful presentations, market overviews, and practical advice on preparing for a stay abroad, selecting reliable program providers, and securing funding or scholarships. A free informational brochure is also available to visitors, offering detailed insights into student exchanges, financing options, and practical tips on successful participation.

In addition to attending informative sessions, visitors can explore various pathways such as volunteering, internships, language courses, study abroad programs, and work and travel opportunities. The fair emphasizes feasible exchange options during the covid era and provides advice on scholarship applications potentially worth over 1 million euros. Ensuring easy accessibility, AUF IN DIE WELT encourages environmentally friendly travel by offering discounted Deutsche Bahn tickets to all participants.

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कृपया छात्र विनिमय मेले की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर पंजीकरण करें

स्थान मानचित्र और आसपास के होटल

हैम्बर्ग - सांक्ट-अंसगर-शूले, हैम्बर्ग, जर्मनी हैम्बर्ग - सांक्ट-अंसगर-शूले, हैम्बर्ग, जर्मनी


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