यात्रा मेला 2026
रीसेमेसे ज़्विकाउ - मेसे ज़्विकाउ
Ausstellungsspektrum. Sonderschau GESUND & AKTIV. Ausstellungsspektrum Sonderschau. WErbemittel zum Download. IHRE ANSPrECHPARTNERIN Unbedingt erforderlich. Marketing / Third Party.
Advice for the future: Participating in events like REISEMESSE ZWICKAU 2026 can significantly enhance your business's visibility and growth through direct interaction with potential clients and industry peers. This tradeshow, taking place from January 16th to 18th in Stadthalle Zwickau, offers exhibitors 2,000 square meters of exhibition space. It's a fantastic opportunity to showcase your latest holiday and leisure offerings to a travel-loving audience. You can make direct contact with new and loyal customers, while also engaging in industry-specific exchanges with other exhibitors and business partners. Don't miss the chance to demonstrate your capabilities and inspire visitors with your products.
Concurrent to this is the GESUND & AKTIV ZWICKAU fair, complementing the travel event by focusing on health and wellness. By combining both fairs, there's a synergy created that offers greater value to exhibitors and visitors alike. The health-oriented event covers a wide range of offerings from traditional medicine and alternative healing methods to wellness, fitness, and nutrition. It presents participants with opportunities for personal contact and industry networking, catering to all ages and health statuses. Participating in these fairs not only helps in promoting a holistic healthy lifestyle but also ensures a better chance at building meaningful industry relationships.
टिकट या बूथ के लिए रजिस्टर करें
स्थान मानचित्र और आसपास के होटल
ज़्विकाउ - स्टैडथेल ज़्विकाउ, सैक्सोनी, जर्मनी ज़्विकाउ - स्टैडथेल ज़्विकाउ, सैक्सोनी, जर्मनी
أريد ازور معرض السياحه